So Much More--Complete Album mp3s (zip file)
"Perfect With You" mp3
"So Much More" mp3
"Come My Way" mp3
"Change" mp3
"Home" mp3
"Returning the Favor" mp3
"Jackie's Right" mp3
"The Last Word" mp3
"I'm Too in Love With You" mp3
"Sunscreen and Shaving Cream" mp3
"Sublet My Heart" mp3
"Heal the Bruise" mp3
Perfect With You sample.jpg
"Perfect With You" sheet music
So Much More sample.jpg
"So Much More" sheet music
Come My Way sample.jpg
"Come My Way" sheet music
Change sample.jpg
"Change" sheet music
Returning the Favor sample.jpg
"Returning the Favor" sheet music
Jackie's Right sample.jpg
"Jackie's Right" sheet music
The Last Word sample.jpg
"The Last Word" sheet music
I'm Too in Love With You sample.jpg
"I'm Too in Love With You" sheet music
Sunscreen sample.jpg
"Sunscreen and Shaving Cream" sheet music
Sublet My Heart sample.jpg
"Sublet My Heart" sheet music
Heal the Bruise sample.jpg
"Heal the Bruise" sheet music
I Couldn't Sleep Without You sample.jpg
"I Couldn't Sleep Without You" sheet music
Before the War sample.jpg
"Before the War" sheet music
Gimme the Love (Something Real) sample.jpg
"Gimme the Love (Something Real)" sheet music
The Last Autumn sample.jpg
"The Last Autumn" sheet music
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
Light of a New Day--Complete Album mp3s (zip file)
Sale Price:$7.99 Original Price:$9.99
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"Light of a New Day" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"First Impressions" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"Not Even the Rain" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"Lake Placid" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"Sweet Sorrow" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"Chasing the Dream" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"Earthshine" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"Season After Season" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"Forgiveness" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"The Invisible Dancer" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"Emily's Lullaby" mp3
Light of a New Day front cover.jpg
"Until Tomorrow Comes" mp3
Light of a New Day complete book sample.jpg
Complete "Light of a New Day" album sheet music book
Light of a New Day sample.jpg
"Light of a New Day" sheet music
First Impressions sample.jpg
"First Impressions" sheet music
Not Even the Rain sample.jpg
"Not Even the Rain" sheet music
Lake Placid sample.jpg
"Lake Placid" sheet music
Sweet Sorrow sample.jpg
"Sweet Sorrow" sheet music
Chasing the Dream sample.jpg
"Chasing the Dream" sheet music
Earthshine sample.jpg
"Earthshine" sheet music
Season After Season sample.jpg
"Season After Season" sheet music
Forgiveness sample.jpg
"Forgiveness" sheet music
The Invisible Dancer sample.jpg
"The Invisible Dancer" sheet music
Emily's Lullaby sample.jpg
"Emily's Lullaby" sheet music
Until Tomorrow Comes.jpg
"Until Tomorrow Comes" sheet music